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Bouée Research Institute

Strategic Management Consulting Services: Acquisitions, Investments, Product Entry, Profit Improvement

Management Value Analysis

Management Value Analysis centers on assessing the Efficacy of a current Organization VS the Organization Goals, and involves the Organization employees in questioning and improving by themselves their working duties.

Step One:

Helped by our Institute’s moderator, a group of selected Leaders, intern to the Organization, establish the list of Functions the Organization (or one of its department) is willing to perform as a provider of top quality products / services.

  • A distinction is made betwen serving:
    • outside-the-organization (External) Functions (which Functions / towards whom), and,
    • inside-the-organization (Internal) Functions (which / towards whom).

Step One outcome is a commonly agreed list of Functions, each with an associated level of satisfaction.

Step Two:

  • Next, each employee is involved in the process of writing a detailed diary for one week on what she or he is actually doing (duties) and for whom.
    • diaries’ level of detail and diaries’ consistency are adjusted afterwards with the participants,
    • through the templates set in step One, duties are then correlated to the External & Internal Functions the Organization (or one of its department) wants to fulfill,
    • communication internal to the Organization and cross-employees duties are also assessed (needless to say, internal communication and cross-employees duties make sense only as far as they contribute to the targeted output)..

Step Two outcome is a comprehensive summary of all efforts and duties, as well as of the Functions performed (at which cost and level of satisfaction).

Step Three:

  • Thereafter, in working groups headed by the Leaders, everyone is further involved in creatively reassessing:
    • the pertinence of the Functions performed,
    • the pertinence and cost-efficiency of each performed duty,
    • and ultimately in proposing the changes in duties and processes which will lead to a better Goals-related structuring of the Organization’s efforts (or of one of its department’s efforts).

This step ends by a display of the current situation (Functions currently fulfilled at a certain cost and level of satisfaction, i. e. “initial benchmarks”) versus adequate levels & optimal costs to reach the Organisation Goals (demanded list of Functions, requested satisfaction levels, and optimal cost objectives i. e. “targeted benchmarks”).

Global Reporting

  • A consensual report, reflecting all works, is then issued; contents to include:
    • a summary of results from Step One, Step Two, & Step Three,
    • the necessary level of Human Resources,
    • recommendations for the improvement of the Organization (or for the improvement of one of its department).
    • current & targeted benchmarks.

Although our Institute’s moderator, relayed by the Leaders, constantly brings in the indispensable know-how, it is ultimately the employees themselves who propose the changes in duties and processes which will lead to a much better Goals-related structuring of the Organization’s efforts.

Note: until we have a mutually agreed and honored contract with our client or prospect on the concerned topic, our Documents, Research Proposals and the relevant Research Procedures are the sole property of Bouée Research Institute & L207. They cannot be used, directly or indirectly, partly or as a whole, without the prior written consent of an authorized person from Bouée Research Institute or L207.